Status: Post-Production
This film is currently in post-production. Subscribe to Ewen's Updates for the latest updates on this film project:
Comedy, Avant-Garde, Drama
A young actor plays a rude, obnoxious, know-it-all in a film who, after losing her job, sets out to 'teach the world a lesson.'
A young actor plays a rude, obnoxious, know-it-all in a film. The film begins with her character having disdain for society, complaining and moaning over her difficult economic circumstances, only for her animosity to inspire her to want to ‘teach the world a lesson.’ Her character teams up with her roommate as they both, over a series of vignettes, devise ways to ‘correct’ the world as they see it and, in turn, pave the way for a greater conflict.
It's all a game
Track I: No I
Track II: No Honor
Track III: No Light
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The Fallacy of Improvement
The Fallacy of Improvement is an essay that digs into whether or not one can improve and if not, what one can do about it.
The Fallacy of Improvement is the essay that inspired this film.
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